A beginner’s guide to battery recycling

Batteries are essential in many places, including homes and businesses. They’re a much-needed power source for everything from children’s toys to laptops and lamps.

Approximately 40,000 tonnes of portable batteries are sold annually across the UK, yet only 18,000 are recycled. When batteries end up in landfill sites, they pose a significant threat to the natural world, causing damage to ecosystems and wildlife. This is due to hazardous chemicals like zinc, lead, lithium, cadmium, and mercury.

While all batteries provide energy, they differ in shape, size, power, and materials, and need to be disposed of differently.

Join us as we dive into the recycling procedure for different battery types and discuss strategies for reducing battery consumption in the digital age.

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How to recycle Christmas cards

Even in today’s digital era, Christmas cards remain a thriving tradition, with the UK alone witnessing the exchange of approximately one billion cards over the festive season.

Surprisingly, the younger generation is championing this custom, sending more cards than their older counterparts. With such numbers, it’s clearly a tradition that’s here to stay.

However, this annual exchange delivers an environmental consideration. With so many cards and envelopes being distributed every December, the aftermath involves managing over two billion pieces of waste. How we handle this waste can significantly impact our planet.

Let’s explore the importance of disposing of Christmas cards responsibly and unearth actionable ways to reuse and recycle this seasonal waste.

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Recycling: How to dispose of vapes

In the bustling streets of the UK, a startling statistic looms large: eight single-use vapes meet their fate in the bin every second, culminating in a staggering 5 million discarded weekly.

When they don’t end up in bins — which lead to landfill sites —they find an afterlife as litter instead.

The NHS champions vaping as a viable means for adult smokers to break free from the shackles of cigarette smoking. Yet, amidst its endorsement, caution flags fly high, acknowledging vaping’s limitations and potential risks — particularly emphasising its unsuitability for children and teenagers.

The irony, however, lies in the deliberate marketing of single-use, brightly-coloured vapes sporting tempting flavours — an alluring siren call that resonates with the younger demographic.

While our understanding of vaping’s impact on the human body remains in its infancy, the ecological fallout of these pens paints a stark reality. As these devices weave into our environment, their footprint becomes increasingly conspicuous.

It’s time to smoke out the misinformation and delve into the world of vapes — understanding what they are and how to dispose of them responsibly.

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How to safely and legally dispose of knives

As with many kitchen utensils, kitchen knives can wear down and become less effective over time — prompting the need for replacement.

However, when the time comes to part ways with these sharp and potentially dangerous tools, questions about proper and legal disposal often arise.

Let’s cut through the mystery, explore various methods for safely disposing of kitchen knives, and discover exciting possibilities for their reuse, upcycling, and recycling.

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A simple guide to blister pack recycling

Most pre-packaged tablet medications in the UK come in blister packs.

Regrettably, these blister packs pose challenges for recycling, and the majority find their way into regular waste bins, eventually reaching landfills.

There is hope as efforts are underway to recycle this medication waste. However, information on the proper recycling methods remains scarce, so uptake is low.

Let’s dive into the nature of blister packs and how to recycle them responsibly.

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How to recycle your old phone case

There are 71.8 million mobile connections in the UK, which is 4.2 million more than the UK’s population.

From this data, we can assume most adults have at least one mobile phone, and many have a second connection — often a work phone.

As mobile phones are crucial to many of us and expensive to repair or replace, most are protected by a phone case.

On average, we change handsets every 21 months, which means we all buy a lot of phone cases — but how does this impact the environment?

Let’s discuss phone case waste and how it can be reduced or avoided.

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Everything you need to know about recycled wool

Wool is a natural fibre and textile made from the fleece of sheep. It’s used to manufacture a wide variety of products, from jumpers and socks to blankets, carpets and cushion covers.

While wool offers many benefits like softness, warmth, water repellence, and fire resistance (did you know that firefighter uniforms are made from 100% merino wool?), it doesn’t last forever.

Luckily, it is a fibre that takes very well to recycling.

Let’s take a closer look at wool recycling techniques, what the resulting material is made into, and your options for recycling your old woollen garments.

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Tips to get your child to recycle

Protecting our planet starts at a young age. That’s why educating your kids about the environment is important and inspiring them to do their bit to help the planet.

Learn how to encourage recycling with these ways to recycle for kids. From informational videos and fun recycling facts to craft sessions and day trips, there is a range of resources to encourage children to recycle and consider their impact on the planet.

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How to recycle books

Stories play a huge part in our lives, and books give us a chance to sift through a new tale. However, only some people like to hold on to every book they have read. That’s why it’s good to know how books are recycled so you can make room for something new to sit on your shelf.

Books are created using logger-cut trees that have had the bark sliced off. Big woodchippers chop the logs into small bits, which are then boiled and moulded into sheets of paper.

As books are made of trees, many believe they are easily recyclable. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case, as the glue that binds the pages together can’t be directly recycled. However, there are many solutions to this!

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