Eco-friendly alternatives to disposable nappies

If you have recently given birth to a little bundle of joy or are currently parenting a toddler, then you’ll definitely know your way around a nappy by now!

If you are pregnant with a little one on the way, then you may have started researching all the bits and bobs that are part of life with a baby, too.

Nappies account for 2-3 per cent of all household waste in the UK, according to Wrap, and each baby gets through between 4,000 and 6,000 before they are potty trained.

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How to create eco-friendly party bags

Planning a party for your child can be a stressful affair at the best of times, so it can be tempting to grab a bunch of whatever you can get your hands on when it comes to the party favours. After all, kids tend to just be excited about the notion of the bag.

However, if you’ve ever taken a moment to think about what you are sending each child home with, your conscience is probably telling you it’s time to take a step back and give more thought to what you are handing out.

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How to avoid fast fashion & dress more sustainably

When you go shopping online or on the high street, do you do it because you need new clothes or because you want new clothes?

While buying new clothes may seem innocuous enough, the truth is that fast fashion is highly unsustainable and therefore a bad choice for our planet (and our wallets).

Not only this but some fast fashion is made unethically.

While you may want to wear the very latest fashions, there are many alternative options out there for how to enjoy fashion and style in an eco-friendlier and more ethical way.

We have gathered together some great ideas below for avoiding fast fashion.

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